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The particle size performance of reduced iron powder.

There are some small changes in the structure of chemical substances that will bring about changes in properties. The same is true for reduced iron powders. The properties of reduced iron powders that consist of grain sizes change after their grain size changes.

Reduced iron powder particle size performance.
1. In order to obtain the ideal high-performance materials for the microstructure of reduced iron powder, the particle size of the powder plays a significant role in the powder activity, forming and sintering microstructure.
2. The range of particle size distribution of the reduced iron powder is very different, which makes the products produced by users using the same process to have unstable shrinkage and poor homogeneity.
3. In general, reduced iron powder requires a fine particle size, narrow distribution range and small agglomeration.

4. If the particle size distribution is very wide, the grain size of the product after high-temperature calcination is different, and the porosity and density are low, which will affect the mechanical properties and wear resistance of the reduced iron powder.

The particle size performance of reduced iron powder. The particle size performance of reduced iron powder.