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The difference between reduced iron powder and iron powder.

      Reduction of pure magnetite (Fe3O4) with carbon monoxide or reduction of iron oxide powder produced by rolling steel with hydrogen. The elemental iron powder produced by these two methods is called "reduced iron powder"; it has good porosity and Spongy microstructure, it is also called "sponge iron powder."

     The micropores in the internal structure of the elemental iron powder reduced with hydrogen are smaller than those in the internal structure of the elemental iron powder reduced with carbon monoxide. Therefore, the microscopic pores of the elemental iron powder are highly variable (ie, absorbed by the human body). After entering the food, these two kinds of elemental iron powder can also be filled with oil and can be sobbed. These two kinds of elemental iron powder also expand the surface area of the iron powder particles, speeding up the lower pH of the stomach. The speed of dissolution.

The difference between reduced iron powder and iron powder.