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What is the future development trend of nickel carbonyl powder?

Nickel carbonyl powder is often used in the field of metallurgy. It plays an important role in balancing metallurgical structure. With the deepening of research on nickel carbonyl powder, its application field is more and more extensive. Let us look at the market development of carbonyl nickel powder. What is the outlook?

Nickel carbonyl powder is mainly used in diamond tools, products, hard alloys, powder metallurgy, batteries, electrical and electronic, magnetic materials, conductive materials and other fields.

Nickel powder in the diamond tool industry is also very promising as a catalyst. The amount of nickel used in the catalyst industry is 5,000 tons. The annual consumption of nickel powder in other fields is also increasing. From the perspective of the development prospects of the domestic market, the diamond thin-walled drill bits, cutting blades, oil and natural gas and other mineral diamond drill bits and cemented carbide drill bit materials used in the construction industry mostly use nickel powder;

Most of the tools used in metal material processing, automobile and motorcycle mechanical grinding are diamond abrasives, and most of the carcass materials are nickel powder. With the rapid development of the diamond tool industry, electrical alloy industry, powder metallurgy machinery parts and other industries, the demand for nickel powder has shown a rapid development momentum.

It can be seen that the application field of nickel carbonyl powder is still very broad. More knowledge about nickel carbonyl powder can be found on our official website. If you need to buy our products, please contact us.

What is the future development trend of nickel carbonyl powder?